Saturday, January 23, 2010

Blog #1 Settling in ...Isla Mujeres

Hola Amigos!

Already we have been on the island one week and have enjoyed getting settled in, reuniting with old aquaintances and the local people and falling into a Mexican relaxation mode.

Playa Norte

There have been lots of changes and progress from two years ago...mostly for the good. In general, the island has been spiffed up ... cleaner, recycling program, new and improved garbage pick up and fewer holes and cracks in the sidewalks and streets! Lots of construction and development. The only drawback would be the introduction of the "all inclusive" concept wiht the addition of 3 huge resorts. Consequently, some of the beaches are now packed with tourists! Fortunately our favorite beach at Sergio's is still wide open and spacious and is where we usually go.

Enjoying La Playa

Prices have gone up somewhat but still reasonable. We can still get a delicious fresh chicken or port taco for just over 10 pesos which is about one dollar... three tacos fills up Warren! We can still eat in the colonias for about 3 or 4 dollars. A fancier meal in town is around 8 to 10 dollars. Last night we had a fresh whole grouper, it was excellent for 60 pesos!! Still reasonable - cervaisa 10 pesos at the store and 20 pesos at the beach or restaurant.

I was able to buy a brand new bike for my daily 20 km ride around the island. Rikardo from our hotel knew of a friend who rents bikes and had an excess and wanted to sell them off. We got it for a good price and will give it to Rikardo when we leave as his tip.

Many people have said to us ... 6 weeks on an island, what do you do!!! Our days are pretty much the same, but we never tire of the warm weather, beautiful beach, culture and going about our day to day business. Here is a typical day

*8.30 a.m. Rise and Shine
*9 a.m. 20 km bike around island .... Warren putters around and teaches Rikardo English while he learns Spanish!
*10 a.m. Swim in the Pool&Coffee
*11 30 a.m. Walk 10 km into town, stop at taco place for brunch on the way
*12 30 noon Beach Time, Swim, Read etc.
*4 p.m. Wander through town, shop around, pick up supplies
*5 p.m. Walk home to Chac Chi
*6 p.m. Cocktails and Snacks in room, read, visit other guests, shower up
*7 p.m. Walk to Supper
*9 p.m. Home Sometimes play cards, crib or watch a movie
*11 p.m. Lights Out!

We are kind of laying low until our friends arrive when out dining and dancing nightlife will begin!!

We're very happy with our suite at Chac Chi. Rikardo looks after us well. Life is good! Take Care Everyone

Senor y Senora Hamre